Events in the Grecìa Salentina

Events in the Grecìa Salentina

Important Events (dates are given for information and events are subject to change):

-          Candelora Fair, Martano:                                                              2nd February;

-          Madonna of Constantinople Feast, Cannole:                                   Easter Monday;

-          Pessima e delle Mula Fair, Sternatia:                                              9th April;

-          San Nicola Feast, Maglie:                                                              from 8th to 10th May;

-          Feast and Fair of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Galatina:                     29th June;

-          Santa Domenica Feast, Scorrano:                                                  around July 6th;

-          Grika Salad Festival, Martignano:                                                   July 8th and 9th;

-          Bread Festival (“Sagra del pane”), Cursi:                                        July 22nd and 23rd;

-          Open courtyards, Martano:                                                            end of July;

-          Sceblasti Festival (“Sagra della sceblast”), Zollino:                           early August;

-          Municeddha Festival (“Sagra della municeddha”), Cannole:               August 10th to 13th;

-          Te lu Contadinu Feast, Serrano (fraction of Carpignano Sal.):             around the 19th of August;

-          Notte della Taranta big concert, Melpignano:                                   last Sunday of August;

-          Friseddhe, Purpette e Vinu Festival, Sogliano Cavour:                      end of August;

-          Te lu Mieru Feast, Carpignano Salentino:                                         1st weekend of September;

-          Frate Focu Festival, Scorrano:                                                        early October;

-          Volìa Cazzata Festival, Martano:                                                     2nd week of October;

-          All Saints' Day Feast, Carpignano Salentino:                                    1st November;

-          Lu Focu Feast, Zollino:                                                                  28th December.